Främlingen Letranger music musik


En sång jag sjungit på både bröllop och begravningar…


Captain Cagliostro electronica music musik synth

Perhaps I’ll Kiss you

Sångerna är som alltid gratis att ladda ner från Reverbnation utan någon endaste form av nagware.
All files are downloadable for free from Reverbnation . NO REGISTRATION AND NO NAGMAIL
Captain Cagliostro electronica music musik

Cry Little Sheep

Free to download from Reverbnation

Ny sång från Captain Cagliostro – Cry Little Sheep – Nedladdningsbar utan registrering eller tjatmail från Reverbnation

Captain Cagliostro electronica music musik synth

Exit Tomorrow

Exit Tomorrow – Ny Video och Ny låt

En relativt ny sång och en helt ny video. Sångtexten följer nedan och musiken finns, som alltid, att ladda ner för den som tycker om den.

Exit tomorrow

Too good too bad

Too happy too sad

Too fat too thin

Too soft within

Too weak too strong

Too meek too rough

Too big too small

No good at all

I know your fear I know what you’re thinking

For each cruel word your soul is shrinking

We are lost on the train to tomorrow

And on the next stop I’m getting off

Like yesterday there will always be sorrow

So on the next stop I’m getting of

Too young too old

Too hot too cold

Too dumb too smart

Too torn apart

Too pretty too plain

Too crazy too sane

Too numb too glum

So fucking dumb


music musik

Lacrimosa Ex Machina – Captain Cagliostro

Någonstans i någon värld vaknar en maskin till en svart himmel och en till synes död värld. Det finns ingen instruktion att följa, inga signaler och inga svar. Oförtrutet söker den vidare genom en tom värld.

Sången finns att ladda ner utan kostnad, reklamutskick eller annat skräp här:

Främlingen Letranger music musik

Hurt – Nin/Cash-Cover


You Say I Love You

Det senaste från Captain Cagliostro

Låten finns för gratis nedladdning på Reverbnation: https://www.reverbnation.com/captaincagliostro/song/30296171-you-say-i-love-you

featured music musik

Enter Captain Cagliostro

Captain Cagliostro welcomes you. This is the hidden space of imaginary friends and you are invited.

We are what we are and we make what we make. We are not original. We are not true. We hold no ideals and do not pretend to be anything but pretence. We are the imaginary nerd in the closet. The keyboard warrior of bad taste and the things that never leaves the cellar. Again welcome to this small space

And for our first little number…

n 1984 a wonderful series was created about space lizards who were kind of nazis except for the nice lizard played by Robert Englund who perhaps is most known for the film he did the same year: A Nightmare on Elm Street

The series was kind of popular but lasted only for a year but the miniseries called ”The Final Battle” contained a wonderful score by : 
Joseph Conlan
Dennis McCarthy
Barry De Vorzon

So this is our version of that wonderful wonderful score which you are free to listen to and download as you wish:

And this is the original song on YOUTUBE if you want to give that a go.

By now you know what we are about – making versions of songs we love or karaoke but electronic and for most part no singing (be grateful for that last one)
Be well and welcome again

Cesare Cagliostro

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